Thursday, March 22, 2007


Here are a few links that I've sent to various friends in the past couple of days. I tend to hound, so you might see an inordinate number of Slate articles posted on this blog. So be it. It's a great site. I also like the celeb gossip, so that will pop up as well.

-- Crazy Cramer. Apparently, Cramer admits to doing less-than-legal activity in a recent interview:

youtube video of the interview.

-- Hoya Superstition. I had no idea Georgetown's campus paper, The Hoya, is online.

I have Georgetown winning it, cutting down the net, or however you are supposed to put it. Apparently, this guy thinks that Georgetown is the "chick pick." That kind of pisses me off.

-- Birth Control BS. Another thing that pisses me off surfaced in Slate recently.

A federal appeals court ruled that employer-provided health insurance doesn't have to cover birth control. Ruling: 1) It's not sex discrimination, since the company in question didn't cover birth control for men, either. 2) It's not pregnancy discrimination, since pregnant women don't need contraceptives. Dissents: 1) It's pregnancy discrimination, since lack of birth control causes pregnancy, and only women suffer the consequences. 2) It's sex discrimination, since the company covered other preventive drugs, Rogaine, and Viagra. (For Human Nature's takes on birth control and responsibility, click here and here. For the joy of sex and food without consequences, click here.)

-- Southern Fried Baptist. Al Mohler outdoes himself once again.

Some conservative Christian leaders are endorsing prenatal treatment to prevent homosexuality. Rev. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes, "If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin." In an AP interview, Mohler says this would be morally no different from curing fetal blindness or any other "medical problem." A leading Catholic thinker agrees: "Same-sex activity is considered disordered. If there are ways of detecting diseases or disorders of children in the womb, and a way of treating them that respected the dignity of the child and mother, it would be a wonderful advancement of science." Conservative reaction to Mohler: How dare you suggest homosexuality is biological. Gay reaction: How dare you say it's still wrong even if it's biological. Mohler's clarifications: 1) I oppose genetic, as opposed to hormonal, intervention in the fetus. 2) I'm trying to head off something worse and more plausible: abortions of gay fetuses. (For Human Nature's takes on prenatal treatment to prevent homosexuality, click here and here.)

Original blog entry by Mohler

-- Scooter Pardon? From that oh-so-reliable-source, PageSix.

March 21, 2007 -- WE HEAR THAT Vice President Dick Cheney spoke to Hudson Institute members Monday at the Union League Club. Asked about a possible pardon for Scooter Libby, he smiled and said, "You can imagine how I feel about that." Libby himself was seated in the front row.

-- Music Stuff. Here is a link to a video of The National playing at a dinner party in the south of France and a link to a great station to stream while at work.

"The National"


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